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 Please note all stories, and written works including song lyrics belong to Johnny Hearne as being  the originator author /lyricist and are covered by copyright. Permission is required to download. 

Poems/ Rhymes/silly verses

Poems, Rhymes &
Silly Verses

Where are you my love

May the softness of new grass soften your walk
May the breeze blow through your hair and cool your face
May the sun shine upon your smile and light the colour of your soft lips
Should  the clouds hide the sun then may they break in respect
May the birds sing a song of love to lighten your heart
Should you venture away, then may you be warmed by the love of those around you
As the ocean waves crash to shore may they soften and roll away with calmness
At night may the stars shine upon your body and send a light from heaven

The voice of Molly Moo

Molly Moo a lovely girl
Born to family poor
Clothes of rags upon her back
Penniless for sure
Sitting in a doorway cold
On steps of  old grey stone
Molly wiated begging she
All the day alone
But Molly had a special gift
Sent from God above
She sang soprano from her heart
Such songs of life and love
Onne such day a passer by
Heard young Molly sing
So took her to a stage in town
And orchestra did bring
The curtains rose and Molly stood
Music grace the air
Pianos grand and violins
The audience did care
Her tone was like an angels call
And mesmerised the folk
Not a soul did make a noise
No one dared to talk
Molly's arms did reach out far
As if to send above
A message to her maker sure
Her songs of purest love
From that day on young Mooly Moo
Sang on stages far
Banners posted in the towns
read come and see a star
No more sitting doorways cold
The poor days left behind
All because she sang so sweet
To stranger that was kind

The magic pond

Tucked in forest high with green

there lives some special things

creatures play there you can't see

Things with coloured wings

Sometimes on a moonlit night

They gather all around 

Things with legs so long and thin

You mustn't make a sound


But wait and see the magic lights

Upon the pond so deep

Make a wish and close your eyes

And promise you must keep


In the trees their eyes can see

All lit by silver moon

Some will never see a thing

But magic changes soon


You may just fly away one day

Like bugs with yellow spots

Or walk on legs so long and thin

With silver wings and dots


But when you lie in comfy bed

So cosy you may be

In the corner of the room

The forest eyes will see.

The Drummers Beat 

Battle rages, cowards hide
Soldiers marching side by side
Muskets ready, sabres meet
Fighting to the drummers beat

Horses gallop, sabres drawn
Men will fall before the dawn
Steel and iron, blood and tears
Battles last for many years

Fifers play the marching song
Bayonets fixed it won’t be long
Powder dry and shot at hand
Cannons fire across the land

Clashing colours, red and blue
Blood and terror spreading through
Men and boys will deadly meet
Listen to the drummers beat

Red with blood the river runs
Thunder sounds from heavy guns
Winning some but losing all
Praying for the fifers call

Battle won there’s not a sound
Soldiers lying on the ground
Generals speak of good defeat
A drummer beats a loud retreat


Walking wounded, bury dead
The battle field holds so much dread
Spirits broken as they meet
The fife and drum play solemn beat

Time to rest the weary men
Tomorrow comes they’ll fight again
Boots upon their tired feet
Will march again to drummers beat


Johnny Hearne Copyright millstreamlyrics ©2019

Maizie The Zombie 


My girlfriend is a zombie  bless her little heart, 
but when  she walks towards me, she almost falls apart. 
Her arm is loose and swinging, her head is dropping off.
Her doctor said, “Don’t worry Maize, it’s just a little cough.”

Last night when we were kissing, I nibbled her left ear, 
there isn’t much to go at, the right fell off last year. 
Lovely little Maizie, her leg is broke in two. 
I always say, “I love you Maize”, she always groans;
 “Me too.”

One time when we were walking, a dog came sniffing round,
 it bit a lump off Maizie, now it’s a zombie hound. 
I love my little Maizie, it goes without a doubt.
 But when I look her in the face, she pops her eyeball out. 

I’ll never leave my Maizie, in fact we’ll never part, 
she promised me the other night, before she ate my heart.

Copyright millstreamlyrics ©2019

  The Soft Guitar

Walking out one summers day, down by the old canal
I heard a guitar playing; I saw it was my pal
I stopped to have a listen; he always plays so well
he sat there softly strumming, a song called little Nell

His feet were gently tapping, to his soft guitar
and by his side a stickleback was swimming in a jar
So sitting by the water, with midges buzzing round
half a rotten teacake, lying on the ground

Still my pal kept playing, strumming his guitar
a nifty little number, was his best so far
then all at once I spotted, has nature had a fling, the stickleback jumped from the jar, and it began to sing

You’ve never heard owt like it, what a little star
it sang another song or two, and then jumped back in the jar
still my pal kept playing; he didn’t say a thing
reckon I’ve gone crazy, sticklebacks don’t sing

Well time for me to go I thought, I feel a little daft
then all at once went floating by a magpie on a raft
Oh!! I must be going barmy; I must be going daft
you don’t get birds that sail along, especially on a raft

Well off, I went down towpath, and bid my pal goodbye
the magpie started singing, a lovely lullaby
now I know I’m crazy, this could never be
magpies squawk and chatter, they never sing to me

Then ten yards down the towpath; I thowt I’d seen it all
but begger me up there I spot, a monkey on a wall
I’ve had enough of this I thowt, and gave the thing a stare
am I daft or in a dream, to see you sitting there?

Oh”, it said!! As it looked down, “you’ve got a flippin cheek”
“I’ve been here for twenty years”
“But you’ve been dead a week”

Johnny Hearne Copyright millstreamlyrics 2019

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